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Inline and Block- Level Element: HTML Class Notes

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Mobiprep has created last-minute notes for all topics of HTML to help you with the revision of concepts for your university examinations. So let’s get started with the lecture notes on HTML.

Our team has curated a list of the most important questions asked in universities such as DU, DTU, VIT, SRM, IP, Pune University, Manipal University, and many more. The questions are created from the previous year's question papers of colleges and universities.

Inline and Block Element

Question- 1) Define Inline Elements in HTML.

Answer: Inline elements occupy the space as needed within space defined by the main element. An inline element doesn’t start with a new line and it takes only the width required.

Some examples of Inline elements are-

  • <b>, <i>, <u>

  • <a>, <img>

  • <span> (explained later).


Question- 2) Define Block-Level Elements in HTML.

Answer: Block elements occupy the entire space between the tags. A block element always starts with a new line and takes up the full width available.

Some examples of Block elements are-

  • <header>, <h1---h6>

  • <p>

  • <div> (explained later).


Question- 3) How can the Inline and Block Elements be changed?

Answer: This conversion is possible through CSS. We can’t convert inline into block element or vice versa at all. Basically, what we do is change the display: property of the inline element to block element. This does not make it a block element but makes it display as a block element. Once this conversion is done, attributes like height, width can be applied to the text.


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